
Yayıncılık - MediHealthAcademy Kurumsal Web Sitesi
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Corneal Diseases and Management in the Pediatric Population

Editor : Burcu Kazancı

Publisher: MediHealth Academy

ISBN : 978-625-98719-4-3

Pages : 104

Language: English

Printed Date : 2024

  • Preface
  • Cover & Contents
  • Sample Part

Dear Colleagues,
Technology development offers rapid changes and innovations in the medical world. Considering that it is important to follow this success in the pediatric age group, which constitutes a large part of the human population, we aimed to prepare a book with updated information.
The results of our investigations: Although many valuable and important books published internationally in the field of corneal and ocular surface diseases are kept, there are not enough books that contain isolated corneal and ocular surface diseases that are common only in pediatric departments. With the contributions of these valuable authors, we aimed to obtain current developments in the epidemiology, pathogenesis, risk 
factors, growth, clinical diagnosis, and treatment of corneal and ocular surface diseases in pediatric patients. We attempted to prepare a very comprehensive book with many subheadings under the main title "Corneal Diseases and Management in the Pediatric Population.” This book will show whether it is helpful not only for ophthalmologists but also for pediatricians in terms of the ophthalmological problems they may encounter.
I would like to thank Prof. Mehmet Çıtırık, who offered and developed the idea of writing a book for the pediatric age group, and the valuable authors who wrote chapters in the preparation of this book and shared their experiences in their fields with us. I would like to express my gratitude to all editors and staff of the publishing house.

Assoc. Prof. Burcu KAZANCI
Ankara, 2024

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