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Lacrimal System, Orbital Diseases, Ocular Tumors, and Management in the Pediatric Population

Editor : Esat Çınar

Publisher: MediHealth Academy

ISBN : 978-625-94280-4-8

Pages : 58

Language: English

Printed Date : 2024

  • Preface
  • Cover & Contents
  • Sample Part

Dear Colleagues and Readers,
Today, owing to technological developments, as well as increasing clinical studies, observations, and professional information sharing, very fast and great advances are being made in modern medicine. In addition, it facilitates access to information on platforms, such as meetings, congresses, and social media. Both in eye diseases as a branch and in all sciences, our current information is being updated, and some of it is changing.
During this period, when information spreads and changes rapidly, with the encouragement of Prof. Mehmet ÇITIRIK, we prepared a book titled ‘Lacrimal System, Orbital Diseases, Ocular Tumors, and Management in the Pediatric Population’ where current information is shared.
Considering the current developments in the literature, we aimed to facilitate approaches to the Lacrimal System, Orbital Diseases, Ocular Tumors, and Management in the Pediatric Population.
In ophthalmology departments where examinations and treatments are carried out, I believe this book will be very useful.
I would like to thank all our authors, teachers, and everyone who contributed to the emergence of this work for their support. 
Assoc. Prof. Esat ÇINAR
İzmir, 2024

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