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Refractive Errors, Conjunctival and Scleral Diseases and Management in the Geriatric Population

Editor : Hakkı Özgür Konya

Publisher: MediHealth Academy

ISBN : 978-625-94280-0-0

Pages : 32

Language: English

Printed Date : 2024

  • Preface
  • Cover & Contents
  • Sample Part

Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to have written the preface of this book. This book reflects the authors’ dedication to research and scientific publications throughout their intense work plan.
This book was written to provide the best information in a short period of time. Readers will understand new scientific studies, developments, and accumulated knowledge that have been conducted over the years along with the authors' own elaborate observations, publications, and analyses.
In this work, we will easily obtain the necessary information and details that provide a differential diagnosis in a pill-like summary.
As a result, this book will become an important work that will be a reference source for ophthalmologists and ophthalmology residents who are just starting their training.
Kind Regards
Spec. Hakkı Özgür KONYA, MD
Aydın, 2024

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