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Lacrimal System, Orbital Diseases, Ocular Tumors, and Management in the Geriatric Population

Editor : Emine Şeker Ün

Publisher: MediHealth Academy

ISBN : 978-625-94280-6-2

Pages : 68

Language: English

Printed Date : 2024

  • Preface
  • Cover & Contents
  • Sample Part

Dear Colleagues,
The average life expectancy continues to increase worldwide, particularly in developed countries. Therefore, there is a need for medical research on geriatric diseases. 
In ophthalmology, diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration are most commonly observed in the geriatric population. On the other hand, many other eye diseases can also affect geriatric populations at varying frequencies.
This book was written to provide a comprehensive overview of the lacrimal System, orbital diseases, ocular tumors, and management in the geriatric population and covers the latest advances in the epidemiology, pathogenesis, risk factors, classification, clinical diagnosis, and treatment of eye diseases. This will be an ideal resource for ophthalmologists and geriatricians.
Each of the  authors has spent a great deal of time and effort writing book chapters with equal pleasure that today is hoped, you dear reader, will derive from its pages.

Assist. Prof. Emine ŞEKER ÜN
Denizli, 2024

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